Broadcasting the stories of everyday citizens defending life and limb against burglars, rapists and robbers.
If you are the owner of one of the news clips posted on this website, no copyright infringement is intended, and in fact, such videos give national/international exposure to your news agency. If you feel your intellectual property has been infringed, please contact me.
Comments are only moderated on the basis of language. You are welcome to disagree if you do so respectfully.
Broadcasting the stories of everyday citizens defending life and limb against burglars, rapists and robbers.
If you are the owner of one of the news clips posted on this website, no copyright infringement is intended, and in fact, such videos give national/international exposure to your news agency. If you feel your intellectual property has been infringed, please contact me.
Comments are only moderated on the basis of language. You are welcome to disagree if you do so respectfully.