My name is Júlio Cesar Rouberte, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Graduated in History from Rio de Janeiro from Faculdades Integradas Simonsen, Graduated in History from Faculdades Integradas Simonsen and Graduating in Law from IBMR University. Historian and Writer with numerous published works. Initiated in the Jêje Mahi cult since 1989, Vodunon of the cult since 2000, possessor of knowledge of Ifá by the Merindin Logum system by the Method introduced in Brazil by the Nigerian Benjy Ainde Durijáiye Kaiodê Komolafe. Made by Amauri de Odé do Humpami Dan Kuê Lemin, Neto of Gaikú Luiza do Huntoloji (Cachoeira de São Félix-BA). 7-year obligation given by Marlizinha de Oxúm daughter of Dirceu de Oxalá do Axé Boa Viagem do Rio de Janeiro.
This Channel was created with the objective of filling several gaps about Afro-Brazilian religions. The lack of information ends up facilitating misinterpretations, causing confusion and encouraging religious intolerance.