For years, I had dreams of singing in choirs, or being moriah carey, or had tupac point at me & ask me what kind of songs I was going to write. I started slow by writing poetry. Then they became songs.
If God has given you dreams that you think are impossible. Take 1 step toward these dreams. Day by day & Year by year these steps will become large strides. & will DISCOVER gifts God Placed inside of you.
I DECREE the Glorious Power of The Holy Spirit & God's Word will electrify & manifest in the 5 fold ministry on my utube to Heal, prophecy, speak in Holy Tongues, preach God's Word, & Minister to all in Need Jesus❤️
Thank you,
Telegram; USA Bible study & prayers
(I plead the Holy Blood of Jesus Messiah & Savior on this utube 100% Holy Father-Please multiply my content & subs1,000fold (Deut.1:11) I bind & arrest all tryng2 kill,steal, destroy from this utube & put all under Holy Jesus Son virgin bthlhm birth,nazarene )
For years, I had dreams of singing in choirs, or being moriah carey, or had tupac point at me & ask me what kind of songs I was going to write. I started slow by writing poetry. Then they became songs.
If God has given you dreams that you think are impossible. Take 1 step toward these dreams. Day by day & Year by year these steps will become large strides. & will DISCOVER gifts God Placed inside of you.
I DECREE the Glorious Power of The Holy Spirit & God's Word will electrify & manifest in the 5 fold ministry on my utube to Heal, prophecy, speak in Holy Tongues, preach God's Word, & Minister to all in Need Jesus❤️
Thank you,
Telegram; USA Bible study & prayers
(I plead the Holy Blood of Jesus Messiah & Savior on this utube 100% Holy Father-Please multiply my content & subs1,000fold (Deut.1:11) I bind & arrest all tryng2 kill,steal, destroy from this utube & put all under Holy Jesus Son virgin bthlhm birth,nazarene )